New Year, New Visions


Can you  believe its a brand new year?! 2016 flew by to me! I was really happy with 2016. It had way more ups than downs and for that I am very thankful. It's cliche to say but it is the perfect time for reflection.

 Every year I make a vision sheet for the upcoming year and reflect on what  I learned and what I was able to accomplish based off the previous years sheet. For me this is so much fun. It feels awesome when you see the magazine clippings and inspiring photos you pasted down actually come to life. Here are some key pointers on what I do to really make these vision sheets come alive.

1. Put your vision on a standard sheet of paper size vs. a big board. 

      When your sheet is a standard paper size sheet it allows it to be more mobile. You can fold it in     a planner or put it in a folder or notebook. I also like to think of it in the psychological since. Since your goals and inspirations condensed enough to fit on a sheet of printer paper subconsiously you  you view them as more attainable or easier to accomplish. This theory comes from the same philosophy of condensing your task into a list making you likely to a accomplish more. I promise I didn't just make that up lol. 

Here is my vision sheet from 2016. I put it in a sheet protector just to preserve it.

2. Hang our visions in a private place where you can see it every day.

I put my vision sheet in my closet right above my laundry basket. I think its important that you put your vision sheet in a private place. Your visions are very personal. Not everyone should be able to view them and make unsolicited comments or give unsolicited advice on your goals and ambitions. Seeing your goals every day really helps keep them relevant. You don't need to study it daily. I mean, you know what it is you want to achieve, but seeing a word or phrase or image helps prevent them getting lost in the chaos of life.  This is also why #1 is important. Its a hell of a lot easier to slap some craft tape on the back of a sheet of  paper than it can be to hang a heavy board up. Plus do you really have space for a big board?

3. Have all your supplies in advance.

This really seems like a obvious point but it will make doing your sheets so much easier. Through out the year I just stash magazines, junk mail and newspapers in a basket. When I go to my aunts house, beauty salon or dentist and they have tons of magazines I'll just ask if I can have  the one I'm looking at. You would be surprised but I've never been told no. When I get a Michael's coupon I go and get the glue sticks, construction paper and stickers. I am still using supplies I bought 2 years ago. It doesn't take much. This allows you to just grab your stuff and start! 

I was clearly excited to start! Having your stuff all spread out on a table or floor is the best!
 Add me on snapchat: mcaprilately

4. Keep all the previous years vision sheets in a binder! 

This time next year I'll take my 2017 sheet down from my closet wall, put it in my 3 ring binder and flip through the old sheets and talk with my husband about everything we wanted to do, did and didn't do. On the back of the sheets I write down all the awesome and bad or not so awesome things that happened. I think saving the sheets is almost like scrapbooking. You can save them, reflect on how far you've come or let your kids look through them one day or something. 

                                            Just a basic ole 3 ring binder that I decorated with stickers!

Happy New Year! 
April Weaver


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