5 Reasons Why I Love Breastfeeding

Hello hello!

Its Breastfeeding Awareness Month! Breastfeeding is not as easy as it may seem! It's work! Hella work! But i'll be damned it its not worth it!

In honor of Black Breastfeeding Week, I wanted to follow in @herholisticpath 's footsteps and share 5 reasons why I love breastfeeding.

1. It saves your coins!
Little humans are so expensive! From your hospital bill, wipes, diapers, bassinets, swings and other gadgets, babies make you come out of pocket before they even arrive. One way to save some coins is to breastfeed! When a mother breastfeeds she saves anywhere from 2k to 4k a year! Two to four thousand dollars!

2. It reduces a your risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer!
How sweet is that?! For every year a mother breastfeeds, her risk of developing invasive breast cancer is reduced by 6 percent. Longer breastfeeding has also been linked to a reduction in ovarian cancer. Check out this article! Amazing!

3. You can burn anywhere from 300 to 500 calories a day!
Science is mind blowing! This is the only natural way you can literally give your calories to someone else who needs them more than you do! Breastfeeding is recommended if you are predisposed to obesity or gained more baby weight while pregnant then you intended. Give those calories to your precious little baby! Shed the baby weight the most natural way possible, sis!

4. Its a very effective birth control!
Ok, we all know that there isn't a contraceptive on the market thats 100% effective but, breastfeeding can be just as effective as using a condom or the pill. Breastfeeding or your baby suckling your breast  suppresses ovulation. No ovulation, no menstruation, and no eggs are maturing or being released, which equals no babies! If you want all the details read this article! Did I say no menses period? That's right! I'm 4 months postpartum and  no sign of Aunt Flow yet! *does praise dance*

5. You're providing your baby with food specifically created for their needs!
When your baby latches onto your breast a conversation starts! A convo between their saliva and your brain and body. Who knew backwash could be so powerful?! Your babies saliva actually causes you to create made to order immune factors and growth hormones that are then delivered back to your baby via your liquid gold! It doesn't get any better than that! Have you read the label of a tub of formula? Theres carcinogens in formula, y'all! Granted, there are carcinogens in tons of items we use day to day but the idea of giving a little baby (thats just weeks old) formula, with known carcinogens in it makes my heart sad! 

The benefits to breastfeeding are endless! The pros outweigh the cons by a long shot. There are so many myths in the black community that need to be debunked! Black Breastfeeding Week seems bizarre and unnecessary to some, but for me its been a saving grace! I've learned so much from my peers! This week, I wanted to do my part to spread awareness. Maybe get a new mama to consider breastfeeding, and to say thank you to all the beautiful queens that have helped and inspired my breastfeeding journey! 

#normalizebreastfeeding  #blackbreastfeedingweek #dropthecover #blackmomsbreastfeed

6 Weeks Postpartum: 1 Month Update

Hi Everyone!

Time flies! I can't believe we have a six week old! Wow! Sleep deprivation are the two words that first come to mind when I think about the past six weeks but its getting easier every day. Our baby boy is thriving! Every week we notice him hitting another growth milestone. Its amazing to watch your child grow! To say that its been all rainbows and butterflies would be a lie but we wouldn't change a single thing in this journey thus far.

Baby Gains
Langston has grown so much. He was born tiny at 5 lbs. At his one month pediatrician appt he was 8 lbs and 14 oz! Our little milk monster. We were so happy! He has double chin and fat little cheeks now! Adorable! He also grew two inches in length since his birthday. He is developing great! He is very alert too! His neck and spine are really strong.  At 4 weeks he was lifting his neck on this own. During tummy time he lifts his neck and turns his head from side to side with ease! Now he loves when you talk to him. I have even been able to get him to smile at me! It literally melts my heart! He's on his way to being active and fat! Yay! I love fat babies!

Here he is 6 weeks and 4 days old. We were leaving his urologist appointment yesterday morning with a perfect bill of health! 

This was Langston on his birthday!

2 weeks old

3 weeks old

5 weeks old

I'm typing this while he is asleep in his swing. "Sleep when the baby sleeps," they say. Like you don't have other things to do besides sleep. There's laundry, there's the making of dinner if you want to eat, there's your bathing, the list goes on. I have always been the type to cherish my sleep before I became a mom. Surprisingly, I've adapted pretty well to not sleeping as long or as soundly as I used to.  The first three weeks were really hard for me. Langston was exclusively breastfeed then. He would wake up every 2 hours to nurse. Mama was tired! We didn't introduce him to a bottle until week three. This was a specific instruction we followed from our lactation nurse. She recommended this to ensure that his latch was perfect and that he was accustomed to my breast. His dad started off feeding him once a day with the bottle. Each day we would change the nipple to allow him to get comfortable eating from different bottles. He adapted really well. God must have heard my prayer. Now he gladly takes breast milk from the bottle or from me. Some nights, when I am exhausted, his dad will take him out of our room and feed him with a bottle while I sleep. Score!

I am so glad I was determined to breastfeed. Its been tough at times but knowing that he's getting a milk made precisely for him makes it worth it. Our bodies make milk specifically for what our child needs. You cannot get that from formula. Not to demean any moms that formula feed their babies, its just a scientific fact. 

It was really important to me start him on a bottle sooner than later to get him fully accustomed to it prior to me going back to work. I've heard horror stories of babies refusing bottles while mom was away. The thought of going back makes me sad but momma gotta make some money too. 

Body Changes
I have honestly felt amazing since giving birth naturally. The first two weeks I had some common issues with my breast. My left breast was engorged, radiating heat and really painful. I think I had a clogged milk duct. With the help of our lactation nurse and our doula it resolved itself.  Vaginally I have had no issues. I had purchased numbing creams, extra large pads, aloe, witch hazel, a sitting donut, hemorrhoid cream. I mean, you name it, I bought it. If you couldn't guess I'm the momma thats always over prepared. Well, I didn't use or need any of it! I am going to gladly return it all and get a refund. At my six week OBGYN appointment I had my pelvic exam and pap smear and I was cleared to workout again. This made me soooo happy. Since then I have done some form of exercise every single day. And believe it or not it has given me more energy and really lifted my spirits.

Here are my workouts this week thus far:
Monday: 30 min youtube work out which I shared on my Facebook page.

Tuesday: Gym workout at Club Fitness.
                1 mile on the treadmill at 5.6 speed
                15 min ab workout
                15 min butt workout
                15 min arm workout with 5 lb weights

Wednesday: Slow Flow Hot Vinyasa yoga with my mom at Yoga One.

I still eat a vegetarian plant based diet like I did when I was pregnant. I do have to remind myself to drink more water throughout the day. I will be tracking my journey to getting back 100% snatched on my Instagram page. I am so excited to workout again. I love working out!
The image on the left is from a year and 6 months ago. I was 108 lbs. The image on the right was taken on Tuesday at 118 lbs. Our bodies are amazing! If we take care of our bodies, they will take care of us! 
All in all, we are just winging it. We are new parents.We don't know and won't know everything there is to know about parenting. We don't pretend to either. Every other day we are on our apps or on google looking into things, reading articles and asking questions. As a mom,  I just follow his cues. My life revolves around when he eats, sleeps, pees and poops and I wouldn't have it any other way. I have just recently started to care for myself a little more again. I paint my nails. I take a nap. I workout.  I can't give him 100% if I don't care for myself as well.

Welp, I guess I'll end this post here. We are experiencing the 6 week growth spurt right now! Pray for us lol! Little man just woke up hungry per usual ttyl!

Love and light,

My Labor and Delivery Story

Hello hello!

Today is our son is one week old! Its crazy to think that just a few days ago he was snug as a bug in my belly and now he's here! My mind is completely blown away! As I sit here and watch my mother burp him and look at his full head of hair and his big alert brown eyes, I am reminded of how absolutely perfect God made the woman. We are so powerful! Birthing him au naturale is the most empowered I have ever felt in my life. Every time I look at him I remember how bringing him into this world revealed another layer of strength I didn't know existed inside of me.

I have had 7 days to nurse and heal and reflect on my pregnancy journey and my labor and delivery experience, and it could not have gone any better. It was pretty much text book, perfect and everything that I had been speaking and manifesting for the past 9 months.

Things escalated fairly quickly towards the weekend but I guess I will start at my last OBGYN appt prior to his arrival.

Monday April 16, 2018 9:50am: I had my typical weekly appt with my OB. Nothing too eventful, just the usual urine sample, measure the belly, check the heart beat with the doppler and cervix check. I was 39 weeks and not dilated at all. My OB told me that if I was not dilated by May 1st  I would "have to be induced". This made me very upset, being induced was not apart of my birth plan. The terms made the cringe and it started feel anxious about the thought of it actually happening.

Tuesday April 17, 2018: Nothing too exciting as far as labor is concerned. My husband did get a new truck. He's so excited. So here was one of the last pictures of me and my baby bump!

39 weeks and uncomfortable AF. Lol

I was still working my normal schedule. This week was two 13 hour shifts on Wednesday and Thursday. Those went over well not too strenuous nothing out of the ordinary.

Saturday April 21, 2018 My Birthday: My 31st birthday!!!!!! That morning I was up and at em at about 9:00 am. My mom and I went to the farmers market. We shopped there for about and hour and a half. I was feeling really good. Energized and excited. Birthdays are kind of a big deal in my family so it was a special day.  After coming coming home and getting dressed, my husband and I went to a small outdoor community festival by our house. We walked around, talked, and sampled some food and desserts. The weather was awesome. We then went to my dads house so I could get birthday gift the we headed to a early dinner with mom and sister. Around 6:30pm we went to Duck Donuts for a birthday treat/ dessert.  Here's where the action started. Of course the wait at Duck Donuts was pretty long and I started having my first true contractions. My husband and I walked around the building and up the stairs several times to soothe the contractions a bit and it worked. Later that night the contractions were a mixture of Braxton Hicks and real contractions. They were not painful just more uncomfortable.

Birthday Selfie!

Sunday April 22, 2018: I took it easy on Sunday. I mostly stayed at the house. My contractions were still coming. Around 12:00pm my sister and I organized my pots and pans cabinet. For some reason I felt it urgent we do this lol. Last minute nesting? Who knows. Thats when I had my first pretty significant contraction. It actually hurt. I recovered well though and we continued on organizing. At 4:00pm my mom, sister, and I went for a walk at the park. We walked about a mile and during our walk, I had 3 moderately strong contractions. To cope I would lean on my mom or sisters shoulder  and hunch over to create more room in my uterus. Our doula taught us this. It was very useful. At 6:00pm my sister and I went to my dads house. The 22nd was his 60th birthday. We had made plans to take him out for a seafood dinner. I was still down to go but he refused and said he had a feeling we just needed to reschedule. Smart man, because at this point my contractions were getting extremely uncomfortable. At 9:00pm I went to the restroom and discovered that my mucus plug had come out. Those things really are huge and look so gross. I then texted my doula and let her know. I took a shower and tried to lay down for bed. That was a epic fail. My contractions were coming sporadically every 20 to 30 minutes. Through out the night I was eating snacks and drinking water. My husband would remind me to use the restroom as well. He really was my foundation throughout our time laboring at home. He used the contraction app to track each contraction and made sure he gave me positive words of encouragement which helped me a ton. With each contraction he would remind me to breath deeply. This was fundamental my entire labor and delivery.

Monday April 23, 2018 2:30am: At this time my contractions were coming every 5 to 10 minutes. They were at moderate to intense pain scale. It was at this time that we started implementing some of the early labor positions our Doula had taught us. I pretty much begged my husband to have our Doula come over. He convinced me that I was doing an awesome job without her. An hour later I pleaded with him again to call her. He did and she confirmed what he already said and she reassured me that I was doing great and she would come when my contractions were 2 to 3 minutes apart. Working through the contractions I used the pregnancy ball. I would bounce and roll my hips on that while leaning over on the bed. That and leaning of someones shoulders were my favorite positions.

4:30am: Things had really progressed. My contractions were now 2 to 3 min apart and intense. My husband called our Doula and she was at our house in about 15 minutes. We labored with her at home for about an hour and 30. We tried several other early labor positions with her and then she said it was probably best we  head to hospital. I was dreading the drive because I knew I couldn't move or do any positions to help work through the contractions. Our hospital was about 25 minutes away from our house and I was pretty much miserable the entire time in route.

6:30am: We arrived at the hospital. My mom, sister and our doula came as well. My husband wheeled us up stairs and my mom moved the car for us. We delivered at Novant Health Matthews and I have nothing but great things to say about that facility and staff. The nurses and staff had phenomenal bedside manners and customer service!

In the exam room, nurse Tanika  hooked me up to monitors to check baby boys heart rate. My husband gave her a copy of our birth plan. She looked it over carefully and she checked my cervix. I  was thrilled to find out I was 7cm dilated! Knowing that I only had to get to 10cm made me feel confident and hopeful.

We got checked into a room and then my mom and my Doula came up. They started an IV bag of fluids on me to ensure that I didn't get dehydrated.  My Doula brought her large birthing ball and we used that along with some cloth contraption she put on the bathroom door so I could lean over and rest my head in my arms during contractions as well.

I really liked this position because it allowed me to rest and still keep my pelvis open. During a contraction I was able to pull on the sheets hanging which help keep my body relaxed and not tense during a contraction.

10:00am: We continued to labor in our delivery room. I was now in the transition phase of labor. I was now laying on my side on the bed covered in about 5 blankets with a peanut ball between my legs. My body was shaking pretty bad. A rush or influx in hormones can make a moms body tremble or shake hard. I was freezing too hence all the blankets.

 My sister had written my affirmations on a sticky notes for me and my husband had arranged them along the bed rails so I could see them closely. The affirmations and the peanut ball helped me tremendously. When I asked my Doula if I was in transition she said "yes and your almost done with it your doing an amazing job your almost finished." This was music to my ears y'all! Knowing that transition phase is the most painful and the fact that I was almost done made me so happy. After every contraction I forced my self to smile and to read an affirmation. It sounds dumb but forcing myself to smile reminded me that with every contraction I was getting closer to holding him in my arms.

11:00am: I could now feel his head descending and my body was voluntarily pushing him further down. I told the nurse and she quickly summoned my doctor. I was now 9cm dilated.

11:20am: The bright lights were on. I was surrounded by 6 or 7 people now. It was time to push and I was scared. I closed my eyes. I was told to old my legs open, keep my elbows out and keep my chin down all while pushing! I'm a pretty coordinated person and even I struggled.
My doctor demanded I open my eyes and I'm glad she did. Opening my eyes made me feel more present and focused. Four pushes later they were sliding his little body onto my chest and at 11:34am he had arrived! I felt an overwhelming rush of excitement and energy after he was born. I would imagine it to be similar to adrenaline high. I should've been exhausted but I never felt more alive.

Here is my emotional husband just before cutting the cord!

My labor and delivery was everything I wanted it to be. For me, being a peace mentally and learning to relax your body when it wants to be tense helped me get through the most difficult moments. Being knowledgable about the stages of labor and how your body naturally functions during labor and delivery gave me confidence that my body knew what to do and would not fail me.

When I would tell people that I wanted a natural delivery. No epidural, no pain meds, no induction. They laughed. They said "ok you say that now". They doubted me. They told me their stories. While I appreciate opinions of some I never let doubt sink into my head. I kept a positive mindset and never strayed from the delivery I wanted. I never doubted my own ability to have a natural delivery. All I had was 800mg Ibuprofen after the delivery. Thats it! I had no tearing and very minimal vaginal pain and bleeding. Our bodies are truly amazing!

I feel so honored that I was chosen to be his momma. Our home feels complete now that he's here. Our journey is just beginning and its off to an amazing start.

 Thank you to everyone who texted, DM'd or called and gave me an encouraging word or advice. It is appreciated.

Love Always,

Pregnancy Diary: Nursery Tour

Hello Again!

Nesting is in full affect at my crib. I've actually been feeling  a little bit overwhelmed since our baby shower. Baby stuff is all over the place! Our recycle bin is pouring over with Amazon boxes! Good problems to have though! Slowly but surely we are almost done organizing and assembling everything. I am currently 37 weeks. Only 2 weeks and 2 days to D-day! I can hardly believe it. My pregnancy flew by. 

Today I wanted to share our sons nursery! We have a two story home. Our master is down and all the other bedrooms are upstairs. Realistically speaking he won't be spending much time in here for a few months but I'm a planner and I just had to have it all set up. My father had purchased his crib for us when I was only about 20 weeks so we decided to kind design and style the entire room around the style and color of the crib. Everything was purchased over time and it all came together just perfect! I have linked as much as can in the captions below the pictures! Hopefully this post serves as inspiration to some new moms out there. For my inspiration I used pinterest and blog post from other mom bloggers. It really helps if you have inspiration pictures to help guide your nursery design. 

The color scheme for our sons nursery wasn't the most creative. We stuck with the basics. Grey, navy blue, white and tan. My dad purchased our convertible crib from Baby's R Us. The light fixture I absolutely love. A light fixture can really really transform a room. They are a pain to install though. This light fixture is from ikea. The rug, laundry basket and the adorable little koala bear picture are both from home goods. 
I put lots of black baby books on my sons amazon registry! They have a really good selection and now he has a pretty good size library. The shelves I also bought from amazon. They were relatively easy to hang. I hung them all myself with my little target light weight drill. The dino mirror was purchased from hone goods. It was on clearance for only $10. What a steal! 

I was kind of obsessed with books when I was a little girl. I hope he likes them too! I think representation is important so I was intentional about only putting black baby books on his registry. If you simply type black baby books into an amazon search you find a ton. The L and M letters I purchased from Michael's. They always have coupons online so I pretty much never shop without one. 

We waited a bit to purchase his clothing chest. I am glad we waited because my coworker gave me a 30% off coupon which I was able to use towards its purchase! The chest matches the crib and is also from Baby's R Us. Just a heads up. None of the furniture came together. Assembly is not included. My husband put both together with ease. He just worked on it every day over time which worked out well. 

We had to add some additional lighting. This lamp was perfect and very inexpensive form Home Goods. With a powerful bulb it really adds the prefect amount of light. Both frames were gifts from his aunt and uncle! As well as the cute the whale "piggy" bank was a baby shower gift too.  I purchased the globe form Home Goods and his dad bought him the Black Panther action figure of course. 

I love this poem! And the rustic navy blue frame! I swear my friends are the best gift givers!

The focal point of his room is the brick wall his crib is on. I purchased the adhesive brick wall paper from amazon. My sister and I used about 3 1/2 rolls. It took us a total of about 6 hours over two days to do. It wasn't hard but it definitely takes two. It really brought the room to life! I love it! I wanted a chair but I wasn't willing to spend over $100 for one. That was damn near impossible. I got lucky and found this small grey rocker on overstock.com. It was the perfect size. It looks like a child's chair but it is for an adult and it rocks too!

These giant letter blocks are decor pieces from our baby shower. I found this DIY idea on Pinterest and asked my baby shower planners if they could incorporate it and they did! At first I wanted to just throw them out but my girlfriends convinced me to keep them and they look perfect in this corner of his room. On top are where his baby monitor camera and white noise machine live. 

I decided to use this wall as his toy/play wall. I purchased these bins from target. Most of the books and toys in them are gifts form his aunt (my little sister) and his baby shower. As he gets older I'm sure the bins will get bigger and toys will evolve too. The bible scripture wall decor is from, you guested it, Home Goods lol.

I really hope this post 
I really hope this post was helpful! Blog post have really really been a great source of information throughout this pregnancy. I have done so much research and learned a ton from some boss ass moms out there that don't mind sharing what they know. We are so blessed and I am filled with so much joy.

April M. 

Pregnancy Diary: Baby Moon on a Budget

Hello hello!

My husband and I have busy schedules. Well, really he just has a busy schedule. My schedule stays pretty consistent. Basically, between trying to keep things within a budget and not having as much time as we wanted, we managed to book a little baby moon getaway at the last minute. For all the old school mommas a baby moon, similar to honeymoon, is the last intentional getaway that happens before the baby arrives. Hello Miami!

Our Uber ride ended up being about 40 minutes! Traffic was terrible but the ride and the weather def made up for the long commute. 

We flew into Fort Lauderdale airport. It was about a hundred dollars cheaper than flying into Miami International airport. If you know me than you know I am pretty frugal and as mentioned we we're ball'in on a budget. I pulled out all the tricks to make our baby moon as cost effective as possible.

My go to travel on a budget tools:

1. Ebates
2. Expedia (via ebates)
3. Hotels.com

For this trip I owe it all to number three. I really like hotels.com because each hotel stay that is purchased with their site earns you points to receive a free nights stay at any hotel of your choice. They also offer special rates and coupon codes that can give you money off. This really helped us stay within budget this trip because we got one nights stay for free at five star hotel/resort!

This hotel was stunning! The lobby was breathtaking! By the pool and in the lobby they offered fruit infused water too! 

We were able to stay at The Palms Resort and Spa. This place was stunning! The reviews on all the sites were fantastic. I can be kind of hotel snob. I have to read like 100 reviews and watch several youtube videos before booking. All the reviews for this place were awesome. It literally felt like we were at esort on an island. The landscaping, lobby and room were immaculate.

Friday our flight touched down at about 1:30pm. It was 79 degrees sunny with a beautiful breeze. Way better than Charlotte's 50 degree temps. Our room was not ready upon arrival so we changed clothes in the lobby restrooms and headed straight to the pool to find food. The pool was beautiful. I ordered the vegetable quinoa wrap and fries. My husband ordered fish tacos and sweet potato fries. No pictures to show for it  because it was devoured in minutes. We were hungry hangry.
After eating we got a text notification that  our room was ready! Check in wasn't until 4pm so I was really happy our room was ready early.

 This is the view from our room. We had a standard king room with a ocean/pool view.  It did not have a balcony but it was still perfect!
Our room was quite small and awkwardly shaped but it was still really really nice to me. The shower, toilet and vanity were in two separate small spaces, which I liked. We got a little rest and headed beach! If you are a guest of The Palms Resort and Spa you are treated to free beach towel, a beach umbrella and chairs. The beach was beautiful! It was no crowded at all. We ordered some drinks and just chilled out for a few hours.

My little munchkin was 29 weeks old here! 

The weather was EVERYTHING! 78 degrees with a breeze. I had to do a target run prior to leaving to pick up this swim suite. None of mine fit my growing belly. 

Later that night we headed to a fancy little dinner at STK. We walked to dinner. It was only about a 10 minute walk from our hotel.  I had a lobster risotto with broccolini and my husband got the special fish of the night with corn pudding and asparagus. Everything was delicious!

I got so many compliments on this outfit. It is actually a jump suit that looks like a dress. I snagged it from Urban Outfitters clearance original price $140 on sale for $80. I loved it! Its unique and made me feel really elegant but comfortable. 

The corn pudding at STK is seriously addicting. I am going to try to recreate it! We seriously could not stop eating it.
Saturday we decided to check out the breakfast buffet at our hotel. It was all you can eat for $25. I was quite disappointed in the selection. It was honestly more like a Shoney's breakfast buffet meets continental breakfast at the Holiday Inn. Extremely over priced! They had eggs, toast, hash browns, waffles, cereal, yogurt, you know the basics. We ate outside and there was a lady smoking in outdoor dining area. How rude!

After breakfast we decided to take a walk. A super long walk. We walked about a mile a half to an outdoor mall. We shopped around, got some gelato and just kinda people watched. I was really most excited to check out Zara. It's one of my favorite stores but I rarely ever get to go into a store. I was really regretting not bringing larger luggage because Zara had all their summer sweaters and coats on major sale. I bought a sweater, some bootie heels, a bag and a ton of baby boy clothes all for under $100. What a steal!

Every store we went into I had to sit down. All that walking got me super tired. My legs and pelvis were sore the next day but a little exercise never hurt anyone. This pineapple dress was $10 on either She In or Zaful I can't remember! 

After shopping we were starving! Well, I was at least. We were surrounded by restaurants but had no clue what to try. We asked a few of the shop clerks for recommendations and decided to try a Mexican restaurant. I ordered vegetable fajitas, with refried beans and plantains. My husband got what he always gets a quesadilla lol. He's not a huge Mexican food fan. There was no way I could physically take that long walk back to hotel so we hopped in an uber and headed back to the room.

Sunday was our last half day in beautiful weather! We woke up early and walked across the street to grab some breakfast from Starbucks. After, we headed straight to the beach again! Then it was time to pack it up and move it out!

We had a great little get away at the The Palms Resort and Spa!  Next time I am definitely going to check out the Spa! Our last little getaway was well worth it. Short but sweet! I'm so grateful that we were able to find the time and the money in our budget to go. Just to unwind and spend time together away from the normality of home.

The best parenting advice I'v received lately:

"Apply your own oxygen mask first."

Love and Light,


Chicken Fried Portabello Mushrooms

Hello Again!

 As promised on my Facebook, here is my chicken fried portabello mushroom recipe. It is vegetarian NOT vegan. I may try to work on a vegan option soon though. It is so flavorful and seriously reminds you of chicken fingers! The recipe follows a traditional fried chicken recipe. Just sub the chicken for mushrooms. Please please try this out if your considering giving up meat! It is delicious!


-Organic Portabello Mushrooms
-2 Eggs
-Seafood Breader
-Panko Bread Crumb
-Vegetable Oil
-Garlic Powder


1. Rinse mushrooms and slice into long strips
2. In a medium sized bowl whisk two eggs.
3. Season egg mixture with salt, pepper, paprika and garlic powder.
4. In another medium bowl mix together equal parts panko and seafood breader.
5. In a pan bring heat about 4 tablespoonfuls of vegetable oil.
6. Dip each strip into egg mixture until all sides are coated.
7. Dip each strip into your panko and seafood breader mixture until evenly coated.
8. Fry in oil on each side for about 3 minutes until dark golden brown.

These can be served with just about anything. I added hot sauce and ranch for dipping! They are awesome! Enjoy!

April W.