Time flies! I can't believe we have a six week old! Wow! Sleep deprivation are the two words that first come to mind when I think about the past six weeks but its getting easier every day. Our baby boy is thriving! Every week we notice him hitting another growth milestone. Its amazing to watch your child grow! To say that its been all rainbows and butterflies would be a lie but we wouldn't change a single thing in this journey thus far.
Baby Gains
Langston has grown so much. He was born tiny at 5 lbs. At his one month pediatrician appt he was 8 lbs and 14 oz! Our little milk monster. We were so happy! He has double chin and fat little cheeks now! Adorable! He also grew two inches in length since his birthday. He is developing great! He is very alert too! His neck and spine are really strong. At 4 weeks he was lifting his neck on this own. During tummy time he lifts his neck and turns his head from side to side with ease! Now he loves when you talk to him. I have even been able to get him to smile at me! It literally melts my heart! He's on his way to being active and fat! Yay! I love fat babies!
Here he is 6 weeks and 4 days old. We were leaving his urologist appointment yesterday morning with a perfect bill of health! |
This was Langston on his birthday! |
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2 weeks old |
3 weeks old |
5 weeks old |
I'm typing this while he is asleep in his swing. "Sleep when the baby sleeps," they say. Like you don't have other things to do besides sleep. There's laundry, there's the making of dinner if you want to eat, there's your bathing, the list goes on. I have always been the type to cherish my sleep before I became a mom. Surprisingly, I've adapted pretty well to not sleeping as long or as soundly as I used to. The first three weeks were really hard for me. Langston was exclusively breastfeed then. He would wake up every 2 hours to nurse. Mama was tired! We didn't introduce him to a bottle until week three. This was a specific instruction we followed from our lactation nurse. She recommended this to ensure that his latch was perfect and that he was accustomed to my breast. His dad started off feeding him once a day with the bottle. Each day we would change the nipple to allow him to get comfortable eating from different bottles. He adapted really well. God must have heard my prayer. Now he gladly takes breast milk from the bottle or from me. Some nights, when I am exhausted, his dad will take him out of our room and feed him with a bottle while I sleep. Score!
Body Changes
I have honestly felt amazing since giving birth naturally. The first two weeks I had some common issues with my breast. My left breast was engorged, radiating heat and really painful. I think I had a clogged milk duct. With the help of our lactation nurse and our doula it resolved itself. Vaginally I have had no issues. I had purchased numbing creams, extra large pads, aloe, witch hazel, a sitting donut, hemorrhoid cream. I mean, you name it, I bought it. If you couldn't guess I'm the momma thats always over prepared. Well, I didn't use or need any of it! I am going to gladly return it all and get a refund. At my six week OBGYN appointment I had my pelvic exam and pap smear and I was cleared to workout again. This made me soooo happy. Since then I have done some form of exercise every single day. And believe it or not it has given me more energy and really lifted my spirits.
Here are my workouts this week thus far:
Monday: 30 min youtube work out which I shared on my Facebook page.
Tuesday: Gym workout at Club Fitness.
1 mile on the treadmill at 5.6 speed
15 min ab workout
15 min butt workout
15 min arm workout with 5 lb weights
Wednesday: Slow Flow Hot Vinyasa yoga with my mom at Yoga One.
I still eat a vegetarian plant based diet like I did when I was pregnant. I do have to remind myself to drink more water throughout the day. I will be tracking my journey to getting back 100% snatched on my Instagram page. I am so excited to workout again. I love working out!
Welp, I guess I'll end this post here. We are experiencing the 6 week growth spurt right now! Pray for us lol! Little man just woke up hungry per usual ttyl!
Love and light,
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