Starting off summer with a bang over here!
We went all out for a family fun weekend for Langston.
First stop was a Monster Jam show in Greenville, SC! Langston is obsessed with monster trucks and monster jam so we knew this was going to be an awesome surprise for him. The Monster Jam show was in a small arena so be sure to wear your mask and your head phones to conceal the loud motors of the trucks. Langston gladly wore his the entire show. I bought these for him from amazon. They had good reviews and worked well. The show started on time at 1pm, had a 20 min intermission and ended promptly at 4pm. It fell right in the middle of Langston's nap time. He got a little sleepy and wanted to sit on my lap but he stayed awake the entire time. We packed snacks and sandwiches and ate in the truck right after the show. Save your money! The prices of the snacks in the arena were obscene as always.
This show featured six trucks! Two of which are Langston favorites. Grave Digger and Scooby Doo. |
Adults need ear coverings too!
Next we headed to Atlanta. We purchased a CityPass to get into the aquarium and the zoo at discounted rates. I highly recommend purchasing entry this way to save money. Due to Covid each venue is operating at limited capacity and ask that you reserve a time slot prior to arriving. A week prior to our trip, I went to our City Pass email confirmation and from there I was able to select which attractions we wanted to attend along with date and time. Entry was into the Zoo and the Aquarium was quick and easy. They did temp checks, mask checks and metal detector checks as well.
Sunday we had breakfast at Highland Bakery. It was soooo good! After that we headed to the Zoo. I am not a fan of zoos. I was not thrilled about going but I wanted Langton to see some african animals. The vibe at the zoo solidified my feelings on going. The animals seemed so unhappy. Most of the animals were either sleep or avoiding all human contact. I was hoping Langston could feed the giraffes but there was a line of parents getting refunds because the giraffes wanted no parts. It was just sad. The only lively exhibit were the pandas. Two baby pandas were wrestling which was exciting for Langton to watch.

After the zoo. We took a little nap at the hotel then woke up and went to the Botanical Gardens. Entry to the Botanical Gardens is not included with the City Pass. On this Sunday they had live music and a bar. One of the best parts is the children's garden. It had a play area, tree house with a slide and a stage. Langton loved it. He kept calling it a secret garden and pretending to look for treasure.
The Botanical Gardens were beautiful! Almost breathtaking! We walked around a lot. I wish we would have stashed some snacks in the stroller. They have a snack stand and a restaurant in the gardens but the food was very expensive. We definitely could have gotten away with bringing a few snacks as they did not check the stroller at the entry.
Langston loved the children's garden! |
For dinner Sunday night we just ordered some take out and called it a night! I was pooped! At 20 weeks pregnant all that walking had my pelvis a little sore. I was glad to just shower and eat in bed.
Monday morning we headed to the aquarium at about 11am. Langton really loves to watch octopus documentaries on youtube to he was super excited to see sea creatures. We saw every exhibit at the aquarium. The best ones were the sharks, otters and Langston loved being able to touch the sting rays! The only thing we did not get to see was the dolphin show.
How cute are these two! |
Later that afternoon I met up with my friend at the park. Langston and her son were able to play for about an hour, then we headed to our dinner reservation.
We ate at a restaurant called Grana. The ambiance and food was amazing! I ate every bite of my mafalde pasta! Sooo good! Highly recommend but be sure to make a reservation. They are pretty popular. They indoor and outdoor seating and a beautiful rooftop terrace. They also teach you how to speak italian in the bathrooms.
Langston had a blast the entire trip! I'm sure I'll be hearing about for weeks lol.
20 weeks pregnant,
atlanta aquarium,
atlanta botanical garden,
road trip,
road trip with a toddler,
summer toddler activities,
toddler fun