5 Reasons Why I Love Breastfeeding

Hello hello!

Its Breastfeeding Awareness Month! Breastfeeding is not as easy as it may seem! It's work! Hella work! But i'll be damned it its not worth it!

In honor of Black Breastfeeding Week, I wanted to follow in @herholisticpath 's footsteps and share 5 reasons why I love breastfeeding.

1. It saves your coins!
Little humans are so expensive! From your hospital bill, wipes, diapers, bassinets, swings and other gadgets, babies make you come out of pocket before they even arrive. One way to save some coins is to breastfeed! When a mother breastfeeds she saves anywhere from 2k to 4k a year! Two to four thousand dollars!

2. It reduces a your risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer!
How sweet is that?! For every year a mother breastfeeds, her risk of developing invasive breast cancer is reduced by 6 percent. Longer breastfeeding has also been linked to a reduction in ovarian cancer. Check out this article! Amazing!

3. You can burn anywhere from 300 to 500 calories a day!
Science is mind blowing! This is the only natural way you can literally give your calories to someone else who needs them more than you do! Breastfeeding is recommended if you are predisposed to obesity or gained more baby weight while pregnant then you intended. Give those calories to your precious little baby! Shed the baby weight the most natural way possible, sis!

4. Its a very effective birth control!
Ok, we all know that there isn't a contraceptive on the market thats 100% effective but, breastfeeding can be just as effective as using a condom or the pill. Breastfeeding or your baby suckling your breast  suppresses ovulation. No ovulation, no menstruation, and no eggs are maturing or being released, which equals no babies! If you want all the details read this article! Did I say no menses period? That's right! I'm 4 months postpartum and  no sign of Aunt Flow yet! *does praise dance*

5. You're providing your baby with food specifically created for their needs!
When your baby latches onto your breast a conversation starts! A convo between their saliva and your brain and body. Who knew backwash could be so powerful?! Your babies saliva actually causes you to create made to order immune factors and growth hormones that are then delivered back to your baby via your liquid gold! It doesn't get any better than that! Have you read the label of a tub of formula? Theres carcinogens in formula, y'all! Granted, there are carcinogens in tons of items we use day to day but the idea of giving a little baby (thats just weeks old) formula, with known carcinogens in it makes my heart sad! 

The benefits to breastfeeding are endless! The pros outweigh the cons by a long shot. There are so many myths in the black community that need to be debunked! Black Breastfeeding Week seems bizarre and unnecessary to some, but for me its been a saving grace! I've learned so much from my peers! This week, I wanted to do my part to spread awareness. Maybe get a new mama to consider breastfeeding, and to say thank you to all the beautiful queens that have helped and inspired my breastfeeding journey! 

#normalizebreastfeeding  #blackbreastfeedingweek #dropthecover #blackmomsbreastfeed