Hello Everyone!
As you all may know I am a youtube fanatic! I pretty much go there first for inspiration, how to's, DIYs, pretty much everything! Anything that I'm curious about I go to youtube first. This is where I got inspired to organized my fridge and pantry.
I love to cook. Sometimes I find that I have to end up throwing out produce because I forget I have it or what recipe I bought it for and it ends up going bad. Tragic I know! I am not one for wasting stuff, especially food. I also found that we had accumulated a lot of condiments. Things that were just plain old or that we used once and haven't used again in months.
There is a woman on youtube that has a whole channel dedicated to home decor, organization and maintenance. I discovered her channel about a year ago and I'm def hooked! Her channel name is At Home with Nikki and the video I re-watched that really got me motivated is linked here.
I used 3 items that Nikki recommended from that video that I found on Amazon. I love how it came out. Here is the fridge before and after!

The 4 small glass containers can be found here. I am obsessed with reading product reviews. (Another reason why I love youtube lol.) On amazon lots of reviews for this product say that the lids to these containers do not tightly seal. I agree. But these are still really good for storing fruit that you may use or eat at home. Do not try to throw them in a lunch box because liquids will spill out.
When I buy fruit, as soon as I get it home, I wash it cut it and put it in these containers and freeze the rest. This is awesome because its already clean and ready to eat and decreases on the clutter in the fridge. The container for the OJ I bought from Wal-Mart. I believe it was less than $5.00. I intentionally left space on this top shelf for lunch boxes.
On the second shelve I also put things we use most frequently. Eggs and snacks! The egg container is from Wal-Mart as well. It was also less than $5.00. I purchased the tupperware from Target. It came in a set with 5 different tupperware sizes. In here I have carrots and strawberries. These are washed and ready to eat. Easy preparation so they can be thrown in a lunch box at the last minute.
Below I have this container that is considered a fridge organizer that I again purchased at Wal-Mart. I was nervous about it but it was a perfect fit! Here I put a few yogurts, butter, lemons wedges, heavy whipping cream and half and half. These are just things that you would normally get pushed to the back of the fridge. Those items you forget you have. This container comes out and can easily be moved around as well.

In the bottom two built in drawers I keep fresh produce and drinks that are individually bottled.
Here is an image of the pantry after I organized it. Honestly it is not that appealing to the eye but it is much better. Two best recommendations for a pantry is to keep the things your use most frequently up close. We also dedicate the top shelve to quick breakfast items like cereal, bars and oatmeal. The basket and small drawers are good for loose snacks like tuna or pop-tarts. In the drawers I keep packets of seasoning, candy or anything else that is small in size and random lol.
I am so happy that I did this y'all! I did this about a week ago and it has been very easy to maintain. Today I went to the farmers market to refill on some fruit. Washed the little containers and filled them up. This week is a busy week for us so its good to know that figuring out lunch and healthy snacks won't be a headache. Just open up the fridge and go! I hope this helps someone!
April M.
As you all may know I am a youtube fanatic! I pretty much go there first for inspiration, how to's, DIYs, pretty much everything! Anything that I'm curious about I go to youtube first. This is where I got inspired to organized my fridge and pantry.
I love to cook. Sometimes I find that I have to end up throwing out produce because I forget I have it or what recipe I bought it for and it ends up going bad. Tragic I know! I am not one for wasting stuff, especially food. I also found that we had accumulated a lot of condiments. Things that were just plain old or that we used once and haven't used again in months.
There is a woman on youtube that has a whole channel dedicated to home decor, organization and maintenance. I discovered her channel about a year ago and I'm def hooked! Her channel name is At Home with Nikki and the video I re-watched that really got me motivated is linked here.
I used 3 items that Nikki recommended from that video that I found on Amazon. I love how it came out. Here is the fridge before and after!
On the top tow shelves I keep most of our taller drinks and items we reach for the most.
When I buy fruit, as soon as I get it home, I wash it cut it and put it in these containers and freeze the rest. This is awesome because its already clean and ready to eat and decreases on the clutter in the fridge. The container for the OJ I bought from Wal-Mart. I believe it was less than $5.00. I intentionally left space on this top shelf for lunch boxes.
On the second shelve I also put things we use most frequently. Eggs and snacks! The egg container is from Wal-Mart as well. It was also less than $5.00. I purchased the tupperware from Target. It came in a set with 5 different tupperware sizes. In here I have carrots and strawberries. These are washed and ready to eat. Easy preparation so they can be thrown in a lunch box at the last minute.
On the third shelf I have bread and more fruit. We normally buy two loafs of bread. One we keep in the bread basket and the other in the fridge to preserve it until we are ready to eat it. To the right I have a fruit chute that can be purchased here. I am not fond of apples but my fiancé loves them. He prefers them cold too so I thought this would be great. In our fridge we also have a built in drawers. Here is where we keep our lunch meats, cheeses, and cookies.
In the bottom two built in drawers I keep fresh produce and drinks that are individually bottled.
Here is an image of the pantry after I organized it. Honestly it is not that appealing to the eye but it is much better. Two best recommendations for a pantry is to keep the things your use most frequently up close. We also dedicate the top shelve to quick breakfast items like cereal, bars and oatmeal. The basket and small drawers are good for loose snacks like tuna or pop-tarts. In the drawers I keep packets of seasoning, candy or anything else that is small in size and random lol.
I am so happy that I did this y'all! I did this about a week ago and it has been very easy to maintain. Today I went to the farmers market to refill on some fruit. Washed the little containers and filled them up. This week is a busy week for us so its good to know that figuring out lunch and healthy snacks won't be a headache. Just open up the fridge and go! I hope this helps someone!
April M.